Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cairn Terrier: The Breed

(AKC Terrier Group)
Best known as "Toto" from the Wizard of Oz, the Cairn Terrier is a small, hardy working terrier. Originally bred to aid Scottish farmers in ridding their properties of pests, Cairns today use their tenacity to excel in obedience, agility, terrier and tracking trials. Alert and active, this breed possesses a harsh, weather-resistant outer coat that can be any color except white. The hair around the head gives him a general foxy expression.

Carin Terrier AKC Breed Standards

General Appearance
That of an active, game, hardy, small working terrier of the short-legged class; very free in its movements, strongly but not heavily built, standing well forward on its forelegs, deep in the ribs, well coupled with strong hindquarters and presenting a well-proportioned build with a medium length of back, having a hard, weather-resisting coat; head shorter and wider than any other terrier and well furnished with hair giving a general foxy expression.
- Broad in proportion to length with a decided stop and well furnished with hair on the top of the head, which may be somewhat softer than the body coat. Muzzle - Strong but not too long or heavy. Teeth - Large, mouth neither overshot nor undershot. Nose - Black. Eyes - Set wide apart, rather sunken, with shaggy eyebrows, medium in size, hazel or dark hazel in color, depending on body color, with a keen terrier expression. Ears - Small, pointed, well carried erectly, set wide apart on the side of the head. Free from long hairs.
In proportion to head, well furnished with hair but not feathery. Carried gaily but must not curl over back. Set on at back level.
Well-muscled, strong, active body with well-sprung, deep ribs, coupled to strong hindquarters, with a level back of medium length, giving an impression of strength and activity without heaviness.
Shoulders, Legs and Feet
A sloping shoulder, medium length of leg, good but not too heavy bone; forelegs should not be out at elbows, and be perfectly straight, but forefeet may be slightly turned out. Forefeet larger than hind feet. Legs must be covered with hard hair. Pads should be thick and strong and dog should stand well up on its feet.
Hard and weather-resistant. Must be double-coated with profuse harsh outer coat and short, soft, close furry undercoat.
May be of any color except white. Dark ears, muzzle and tail tip are desirable.
Ideal Size
Involves the weight, the height at the withers and the length of body. Weight for bitches, 13 pounds; for dogs, 14 pounds. Height at the withers-bitches, 9½ inches; dogs, 10 inches. Length of body from 14¼ to 15 inches from the front of the chest to back of hindquarters. The dog must be of balanced proportions and appear neither leggy nor too low to ground; and neither too short nor too long in body. Weight and measurements are for matured dogs at two years of age. Older dogs may weigh slightly in excess and growing dogs may be under these weights and measurements.
Dogs should be shown in good hard flesh, well muscled and neither too fat or thin. Should be in full good coat with plenty of head furnishings, be clean, combed, brushed and tidied up on ears, tail, feet and general outline. Should move freely and easily on a loose lead, should not cringe on being handled, should stand up on their toes and show with marked terrier characteristics.
1. Skull - Too narrow in skull.
2. Muzzle - Too long and heavy a foreface; mouth overshot or undershot.
3. Eyes - Too large, prominent, yellow, and ringed are all objectionable.
4. Ears - Too large, round at points, set too close together, set too high on the head; heavily covered with hair.
5. Legs and Feet - Too light or too heavy bone. Crooked forelegs or out at elbow. Thin, ferrety feet; feet let down on the heel or too open and spread. Too high or too low on the leg.
6. Body - Too short back and compact a body, hampering quickness of movement and turning ability. Too long, weedy and snaky a body, giving an impression of weakness. Tail set on too low. Back not level.
7. Coat - Open coats, blousy coats, too short or dead coats, lack of sufficient undercoat, lack of head furnishings, lack of hard hair on the legs. Silkiness or curliness. A slight wave permissible.
8. Nose - Flesh or light-colored nose.
9. Color - White on chest, feet or other parts of body.
Approved May 10, 1938

Carin Terrier Health Issues

These dogs are generally healthy and live on average about 12 to 14 years. Yet breeders, owners and veterinarians have identified several health problems that are significant for Cairns. Some of these diseases are hereditary while others occur as a result of non-specific factors (i.e. infections, toxins, injuries, or advanced age).
Some of the more common hereditary health problems found in the Cairn are:
13 year old Carin Terrier
Currently, the Cairn Terrier Club of America along with the Institute for Genetic Disease Control in Animals maintain an open registry for Cairn Terriers in hopes of reducing the occurrence of hereditary diseases within the breed. Breeders voluntarily submit their dogs' test results for research purpose, as well as for use by individuals who seek to make sound breeding decisions. By using Dog-DNA.com Breed Test services you're insuring that genetic defaults in the breed are weeded out, overall making the breed more healthy and stronger.

Carin Terrier Temperament

Cairn Terriers are adventurous, intelligent, strong, loyal, and tough--not a delicate lapdog. Like most terriers, they love to dig after real or imagined prey. They are vermin hunters. Cairns have potential aggression toward other animals with strong chasing instincts but will co-exist with them more readily than some other terriers. However, strange animals may be a different story, as the Cairn Terrier was bred to hunt and will chase anything that moves. They are protective of their families, and will defend their territory with courage and devotion, but they are also people-oriented and are friendly with everyone they meet. They generally do well with other dogs, but will stand their ground if challenged, and also have been known to harass, and sometimes hurt cats. There is very little a Cairn cannot learn if his owner takes the time to teach him or her. Cairn Terriers have a strong prey instinct and will need comprehensive training. However, they are intelligent and, although wilful, can be trained. Training of the Cairn Terrier has the best results when training as a puppy, as they become wilfully stubborn. Although it is often said that they are disobedient, this is not the case provided correct training is applied. They've been called "the best little pal in the world" and they are always a work in progress. If there is no fenced yard, the Cairn must be exercised on a leash, as it is impossible to train a Cairn to resist the urge to chase squirrels, cats, rabbits, other dogs, etc. (Cairns were bred to hunt). Walking is excellent exercise for Cairns and their owners. A brisk walk daily, on leash, is ideal. From the Cairn's point of view, the longer the walk the better. Although small in size at nine to ten inches at the shoulder with weight ranging from thirteen to fourteen pounds, the Cairn is a big dog trapped in a little dog's body. There have been cases of Cairns taking on much larger and fiercer dogs, only to come out on the losing end, because they do not know when to back down. For that reason the Cairn must be kept in a suitable enclosure. Cairn Terriers generally are gentle and adapt well to children and are suitable family dogs, but will not tolerate mistreatment. They are not usually problem barkers, but will bark if bored or lonely.
Cairns love their families, but may try to test their owner’s limits, so obedience training is necessary. Although they learn quickly, the Cairn may always have the instinct to dig and chase small animals, so new owners should be prepared for these behaviors. Regular brushing and exercise are also necessary to keep the breed fit and happy.
Cairn Terriers are very playful and enjoy toys. They have powerful jaws which enable them to shred almost anything, however their intelligence allows them to learn quickly what is a toy and what is not. Cairn Terriers "squig" when they have a toy, shaking back and forth in a playful manner.

Did You Know?

  • The Cairn Terrier originated in the Western Isles of Scotland, where, for centuries, he has been used as a working terrier, and was formerly known as he "Short-haired Skye Terrier."
  • One of the most popular Cairns was Toto from "The Wizard of Oz" whose real name was Terry, and he was a she.
  • The Cairn Terrier is an alert, intelligent, active and long-lived.
  • The Cairn Terrier has a working background and they like to dig.
  • Farms with several Cairns were free of rats, mice, moles, and other burrowing animals.
  • There is evidence that one of the oldest-known strains of Cairn, or "Short-haired Skye Terrier", as the breed was generally known at the turn of the century, was founded by Captain Martin MacLoed of Drynock, Isle of Skye.

Carin Terrier History

The history of the Cairn Terrier is enhanced by the fact that the modern Cairn is an attempt to preserve in typical form the old-time working terrier of the Isle of Skye.
From Martin's History of the Dog in 1845, Captain McDonald's description and measurements of the ideal Cairn in 1876, from Ross's Cairn Terrier, Darley Matheson's Terriers, and from many other writers, it is plain that these were working terriers, with courage for the bolting of otter, foxes, and other vermin from among rocks, cliffs, and ledges on the wild shores of their misty isle.
Scotland's terriers had been grouped together as Scotch Terriers until 1873, when they were separated into two classifications-Dandie Dinmont Terriers and Skye Terriers. The breeds we now know as the Scottish Terrier, the West Highland White Terrier, and the Cairn Terrier, were included in classes for Skye Terriers.The Scottish, West Highland, and Cairn had developed from the same stock, originating in the islands and highlands of western Scotland. The three often were found in the same litter, distinguished only by color. A club for Hard-Haired Scotch Terriers embracing the three was formed in 1881, and a standard was approved in 1882. White markings were considered a fault, though an all-white dog was valued.
Toward the end of the 19th century, fanciers of the Scottish Terrier type (who were in the majority) began to breed along separate lines. The Kennel Club was petitioned by a group known as The White Scottish Terrier Club for separate classes for whites in 1899. The request originally had been denied, but at Cruffs in 1907 separate classes were available for white terriers.The stud books were opened to West Highland White Terriers as a separate breed, with the first registrations listed as 1908.
In 1909, the show at Inverness offered classes for Short-Haired Skyes. At a meeting of the Skye Terrier Club, fanciers protested the use of the name. The confusion over the classification of these "Short-Haired Skyes" was once again apparent when they were entered in classes for Skye Terriers at Crufts in 1910, even though classes for Short-Haired Skyes were provided. The judge refused to judge these dogs as entered and marked her book "wrong class." A change of name to the "Cairn Terrier of Skye" was suggested for the Short-Haired Skye. (Cairns were piles of stones which served as landmarks or memorials. Common throughout much of Scotland, cairns were frequent hiding places for small mammals. Farmers used small terriers to bolt the animals from their rocky lairs.) The shortened name, Cairn Terrier, was agreed upon and in 1912 the breed was permitted to compete for chal-lenge certificates.
The Cairn Terrier standard in England permitted white as a color until 1923. The interbreeding of Cairns and West Highland White Terriers had occurred in both England and the United States. However, the AKC (who had given the breed official recognition in 1913) in 1917 barred any Cairn from registration if it was a product of "such a mixed breeding practice."
The modern Cairn should have the hardiness to meet the performance of his old-time prototype. Utility should be the aim of the fancier, since the expressed object of the Cairn Terrier clubs is to preserve the breed in its best old-working type.
The height of the Cairn, which differs from that of other terriers, is important in giving the breed the distinctive conformation that has been called "Cairishness." He is not so low to ground, in proportion to his size, as the Sealyham and the Scottish Terrier. There is one, and only one, correct size for the Cairn Terrier-14 pounds for dogs, 13 pounds for bitches, and the dogs should be in proper proportion to those weights.

Carin Terrier Pics

AKC Registered Breeders

Cairn Terrier
Parent Club: Cairn Terrier Club of America
Breeder Referral: Nancy Delyea, PST, 253-862-6147
Breeder Directory: website
Regional Clubs: website 


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